Type alias ModifyChange<T>

ModifyChange<T>: { modification: { [ key in keyof Partial<T>]: any }; operation: "add" | "delete" | "replace" }

A Change object maps to the LDAP protocol of a modify change, and requires you to set the operation and modification. The operation is a string, and must be one of:

  • replace: Replaces the attribute referenced in modification. If the modification has no values, it is equivalent to a delete.
  • add: Adds the attribute value(s) referenced in modification. The attribute may or may not already exist.
  • delete: Deletes the attribute (and all values) referenced in modification.

modification is just a plain old JS object with the values you want.

Type Parameters

Type declaration

  • modification: { [ key in keyof Partial<T>]: any }
  • operation: "add" | "delete" | "replace"

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